
Mon, Jan 31

23:41 強そうな山ができるね RT @jesuisunchat: 乾燥に強い木ではないの? RT @solemon: 枯れ木? RT @jesuisunchat: 「ファンはいるにこしたことはない」 RT @solemon: something is better than nothin 23:39 RT @gotshu: something is better than nothin…

Tue, Feb 01

23:58 @time_to_jack なるほ。これ、実は手帳の表紙に書いてあって "it is better when there are many dreams, like these ballons. because one of those may come true?!" って続く [in reply to time_to_jack] 23:56 @aricone really????? [in reply to …